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GURPS Day Summary Mar 11 – Mar 17, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days.

Over the last week, there have been 43 GURPS-Related posts from an ever-expanding list of 37 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen, which is a nice chunk of reading material. Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are ridiculously prolific! The list is randomized, so different bloggers will be highlighted at the top of the post each week. This week we’re changing up the time we ran the script, so checking out the update that will show up tonight or tomorrow morning is key!

As always, if you’re interested in having your blog consolidated here, navigate over to The Instructions Page and drop me a line.

Just Roll 3d6 (Colin)

The Lands of Nandêmē (Charles Saeger)

Orbital Vagaries (Christian Blouin)

Game in the Brain (Justin Aquino)

The Red Mouser (Gotha)

Ravens N’ Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)

Game Geekery (Warren “Mook” Wilson)

  • Printing RPG PDFs to Hardcopy Books (3/16/16) – Gamers are often curious about printing their PDFs as hardcopy books. This post has both pictures and prices for a few books I’ve made for myself using Lulu.

The Collaborative Gamer (Joseph Linden)

Insidious GURPS Planning (Mr. Insidious)

Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell’Orto)

Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)

  • GURPS Day Summary Mar 11 – Mar 17, 2016 (3/17/16)
  • My Danger Sense is Tingling (3/17/16) – The Danger Sense advantage is something that I both love and hate, as both a player and GM. I discuss why, and whether, in the years since 4e came out, that improvements in metagame mechanics have made the advantage somewhat superfluous, or at least easier to handle in other ways.
  • Aeon Campaign: S1E10 – This computer really IS possessed (3/15/16) – In the Aeon supers game, we turn a no-win situation into a locked room mystery for our foes. A lot of exposition and discussion with a possessed AI (no, literally), and the revelation that a long-time rival is behind a lot more evil than your run-of-the-mill power-hungry organizational climber.

Shooting Dice (Hans-Christian Vortisch)

Dark Paths and Wandered Roads (Jason Woollard)

  • Grand Duchy 77 (3/17/16) – The Grey Company cautiously continues their exploration of the quiet valley. Challenges continue to present themselves, but they are overcome. Summary of the latest play session of The Grand Duchy of Adventure, our GURPS: Mystara campaign.
  • Simple Tricks II (3/15/16) – The Lambda Heist. The Crew of the Painted S’kytri infiltrate, assault and steal from an Imperial base on a backwater moon. Episode II of our ongoing GURPS: Star Wars campaign.

Let’s GURPS (Pseudonym)

Mailanka’s Musings (Daniel Dover)

Further Up the Spire (Archon Shiva)

  • Session: The Shipment (3/16/16) – A new drug lord is trying to install his trade in Mistzy’s neighborhood.

Southern Style GURPS (Chris Bower)

Armin’s GCA 5 Blog (Armin Sykes)

No School Grognard (Mark Langsdorf)

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