Orcpower quick summary – Barb thru Paladin

Orcpower quick summary – Barb thru Paladin

This one can’t be quite as complete as the prior builds, but it will at least put all the characters on the same scale, using the Orc-o-Matic v2.  This will either look at melee attacks or cantrip-based Orcpower, the basic “what can I do every round, forever, until they kill me?” question. We can look…

More critical hit goodness (courtesy of Peter Dell’Orto)

+Peter V. Dell’Orto did a nice post on critical hits yesterday. One thing that came up a few times is that there are cases where if you only crit on a 3 and have a skill of 3, then you’re either rolling an awesome crit, or you’re screwed. This can be avoided, though, by using margin…