GURPSDay Summary Jan 12, 2017 – Jan 18, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Jan 12, 2017 – Jan 18, 2018

Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Last week, Emily added some error checking to the code, and so I’m confident that all but one of the blogs will pull properly. So yay, progress. We’re currently drawing content from 95…

Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical and PDF now available
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Lost Hall of Tyr: Physical and PDF now available

I’m thrilled to be able to report that Lost Hall of Tyr physical copies have been mailed to the backers that ordered them, and I now have stock of the softcover on sale through my web store. Lost Hall was a grand and fun experiment. It was a GenCon scenario designed to show off both…

Total Control: Simplified effects for GURPS TG
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Total Control: Simplified effects for GURPS TG

So, one frequently looks back at older projects with more-experienced eyes and says: “Ugh. I could do that better now.” My very first book, GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling is no different. It’s the original basis for Dungeon Grappling, and that of course was the basis for my adventure Lost Hall of Tyr. One if…