Run, Forrest . . . Run (D&D5)

Run, Forrest . . . Run (D&D5)

In my article from the Violent Resolution series dealing with movement, I noted that in D&D, the standard 30′ move (or even the 60′ dash) is, all things considered, quite slow. It represents six seconds of movement, so is either 5′ per second, or 10′. That’s 3.4 and 6.8mph, respectively. Or a decent walk and…

Playing with DnD5 Characters – 6th Level Tiefling Draconic Sorcerer

Playing with DnD5 Characters – 6th Level Tiefling Draconic Sorcerer

Call him Mutt. The Sorcerer is one of the spellcasting classes in D&D5 whose spell lists goes all the way up to 9th level. That is, they can be totally nasty with the right circumstances. And the spell lists are broad enough that you can specialize within types to make for a well thought out…