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Majestic Wilderlands 2 – Speculation, a short battle, and draconic politics

We start out having breakfast at an inn. +Peter V. Dell’Orto joins us playing an Elder of Mitra. I believe the conversation begins trying to mitigate an uprising and prevent a war, or at least a slaughter, should actual troops come to put down the threat to the economic center that is Phandelver. Carmina proposes confronting Halia…

Nice response to high speed archery video

I was pointed to a rebuttal of the Lars Andersen claims about high-speed archery. I’ll repost it here: A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery As someone that wrote a fairly substantial article on the physics of building and bending bows, I’ve followed the entire re-emergence of the original video interesting, and…

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Relationship Mapping and Complicated Stories

In yesterday’s post on +Rob Conley‘s Majestic Wilderness D&D Campaign, I noted the difficulty of keeping all of everything straight. Part of that was trying to integrate the map and geography, the PCs themselves, getting a feel for my own character, as well as being dropped in the middle of things. Ready? OneTwoThreeFIGHT! But the more…