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Majestic Wilderlands – Military Intervention

We see action coming out of the manor as we start out. Ten spearmen, a couple of men-at-arms, and a few carts and wagons. We decide to anticipate them heading to Lervin, so we can set an ambush at the bridge (B) from Lervin to Phandalin – the route with the best road. We guess…

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Majestic Wilderlands – Journey and Recon in Highgarden

OK, we jump right back in, waking up in Phandelver with the town still intact, and us heading out to Tain via Highgarden Manor. We look to see if we could bring a few fast riders, that we could dispatch in case we need to send a “LOOK OUT, VIOLENCE” warning back to Phandelver. We…

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Majestic Wilderlands 2 – Speculation, a short battle, and draconic politics

We start out having breakfast at an inn. +Peter V. Dell’Orto joins us playing an Elder of Mitra. I believe the conversation begins trying to mitigate an uprising and prevent a war, or at least a slaughter, should actual troops come to put down the threat to the economic center that is Phandelver. Carmina proposes confronting Halia…