Other People’s Posts: Armor
A great collection of images of all sorts of historical armors from many cultures can be found over at Middenmurk.
Great stuff here.
A great collection of images of all sorts of historical armors from many cultures can be found over at Middenmurk.
Great stuff here.
Had an interesting question from +Mark Langsdorf about a situation that arose in his Mecha Against the Giants campaign. A SM+2 mecha (6 tons, ST85, Basic Lift 0.72 tons) wanted to curb-stomp a downed giant leader. That leader is SM+4, weighs 12 tons, and is ST160. He’s also got Wrestling at DX+4, which is a +3 bonus per…
Over on the SJG Forums, a thread emerged that has started to wind down with an interesting question. GURPS (and other systems) author Bill Stoddard asked a basic question. Acknowledging that his real-world experience with grappling was basically zero, and his familiarity with the goals and methods and lingo was limited enough that, well, let’s use his…
+Erik Tenkar and +Tim Shorts have both rendered their opinions on the d30 Sandbox Companion. They loved it. (Erik’s review at Tenkar’s Tavern here) Now, I do play in Erik’s Swords and Wizardry campaign with +Peter V. Dell’Orto (whom I know well) and others (whom I’ve really only met once). But I wanted to take a different tack on this….
We pick up in media res, as we always do. The team at the gatehouse is first up in the list, and they managed to pick up three hirelings. One medium infantry with a crossbow, and two light infantry with spears and shields. They nab the knight-killer crossbows that are “spare,” with 10 bolts each,…
I have an Ultimate Licence for FG. +Doug Davison was also kind enough to accept an invitation to be interviewed on the Firing Squad a while back. As a result, sometimes he sends me stuff. Today he sent me this, which I pass along as a dutiful marketing stooge. 🙂 (I do not get paid by,…