
The Audacity of Sound

I had a riotously good time making the audio clip for my first Alien Menace session What audio clip, you ask? You didn’t listen the first time? You missed out on Pyramid Magazine editor +Steven Marsh‘s inspired performance? +Antoni Ten Monrós totally owning the role of the Captain? And +Gerardo Tasistro and me as Jones the Tech and Yi, the videographer,…

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Campaign Prep: Mega vs. Episode

My new Alien Menace campaign is rather specifically designed to be episodic in nature. Each session is supposed to be a differet mission, to keep things lively. +Peter V. Dell’Orto‘s Felltower campaign is a megadungeon. He’s got a huge swath of area prepared, some stocked, some not, and the players explore this ground at their…

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Alien Menace Introductory Session

Saturday night put me in the GM’s chair for the first time in probably seven or eight years. I’ve been blogging for while on the prep. We had a full house. So how did it go? The Interface – Fantasy Grounds To start with, we can’t get past the issues with the interface and setup….