GURPSDay Summary Jan 19, 2017 – Jan 25, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Jan 19, 2017 – Jan 25, 2018

Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Last week, Emily added some error checking to the code, and so I’m confident that all but one of the blogs will pull properly. So yay, progress. We’re currently drawing content from 95…

GURPSDay Summary Jan 12, 2017 – Jan 18, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Jan 12, 2017 – Jan 18, 2018

Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Last week, Emily added some error checking to the code, and so I’m confident that all but one of the blogs will pull properly. So yay, progress. We’re currently drawing content from 95…

GURPSDay Summary Jan 1, 2017 – Jan 12, 2018
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GURPSDay Summary Jan 1, 2017 – Jan 12, 2018

Welcome to GURPSDay 2018, and the fourth year – GURPSDay started in February 2013, only a year after I started Gaming Ballistic. Sorry for the day-late publishing of this one; my timing yesterday was awful. I need to set up remote desktop capability so I can run the script from work. Also, due to some…