GURPSDay Summary Nov 17 – Nov 26, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Nov 17 – Nov 26, 2017

So: GURPSDay! This week overlaps big news in GURPSdom, which is that SJG has decided to release GURPS PDFs by DriveThruRPG, which includes a ton of associated digital publishers. I’ve had customer numbers for my own Dungeon Grappling which indicate that there are over 1.4 million folks who have come through those doors; Robert Conley…

GURPSDay: What is it, who is it, you should play too
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GURPSDay: What is it, who is it, you should play too

What is GURPSDay? GURPSDay is something that started as a bit of a lark in February 2013. I somewhat off-the-cuff decided that Thursday is “GURPSDay” and from there, started ensuring every Thursday, I had a GURPSy post going on. Other folks got in on the act (or were already posting lots more than me about…

GURPSDay Summary Nov 10 – Nov 16, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Nov 10 – Nov 16, 2017

So: GURPSDay! Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the pull for this week. We’re currently drawing content from 92 blogs. We added GURPS Mega Dungeon, by John Morrison to our rolls today! As always, the new blogs are listed first. Only 8 more to go until we’re pulling from 100! But we’ll need your…