Looking for public domain and commercial fantasy art
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Looking for public domain and commercial fantasy art

I’m looking for links and pointers to any of the following things Verified public domain black and white and color with fantasy themes. Images that you own personally but are willing to donate Images that you own personally and are willing to defer payment on until a crowdfunding event at a later date In the…

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90 pieces of art, indexing, and Kickstarter

As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes clearer, it appears that to make the book I want to make, I’m going to need art. Lots of art. (“a Picasso or a Garfunkel!”) I’m far enough along in the writing process that while I can clearly see that I have a lot to…

Metablog – when do people want GB content to appear?

Metablog – when do people want GB content to appear?

I posed a question on Google+ the other day, asking if a blog is to update content at the same time on any given day, when would readers prefer that content to appear. By a ratio of 66:1, people took the question in the spirit with which it was intended, which was to the good….