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Dragon Heresy sneak peek: Magic and the Runes of Power

In keeping with the Norse-ish theme of the country from which most adventurers in Dragon Heresy will originate from, I decided that the magic would be a bit more flavored.  Here’s a look at the box for the flavors of magic. You’ll recognize some of the text as right from SRD5.1, as is appropriate. Some…

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Dragon Heresy sneak peek: Oath of Yggdrasil (paladin oath)

One of the more challenging and enjoyable parts of writing Dragon Heresy is creating subclasses. Don’t get me wrong – the basic subclasses provided with the SRD5.1 are nice, and a good start. But the defining of additional sub-classes isn’t just an exercise of “ooh, cool powers.” I have done more world-building in defining these…

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Blog of Silence – Writing and Stay-at-home Dad

Been quiet this week, so I apologize for that. The cause? My wife is in Italy for the annual Hwa Rang Do world tournament and black sash seminars – in addition to being a PhD in Wastewater Treatment, she’s also a martial arts instructor.  Yes, she’s a badass. What that means, though, is I have…