Reloading Press: .338 Norma Magnum
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Reloading Press: .338 Norma Magnum

When Shawn Fisher emailed me that the US Army was looking at adopting a new medium machinegun, this one capable of accurate automatic fire at a range of over a mile, where the M-2 in .50BMG can only deliver single shots, I was intrigued. When I heard it was being considered in .338 Norma Magnum,…

The Chronicles of Ceteri (B-Team): Prelude and Ep2
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The Chronicles of Ceteri (B-Team): Prelude and Ep2

We kicked off a new campaign under Christopher Rice’s GMing hand. We are doing all sorts of interesting things with rules for this game. It’s still GURPS at the core, but we’ve got all sort of modular add-ons on trial. A card deck system, foibles and flaws from Pointless Looting and Slaying and/or Pointless Monster…

Call for Playtesters: “Requirements” is a strong term
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Call for Playtesters: “Requirements” is a strong term

It’s been a LONG time since an open playtest has been run like this, and so I wanted to kick the rust off the landing gear (or maybe clean the barrel and action before firing would be more apropos). Firstly: playtesting is fun. You get to see and influence a GURPS book that has already…