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GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier is released!

GURPS Horror: Madness Dossier is out! As you’ve seen in this space before, I’m a big fan of +Kenneth Hite‘s work, and this setting for GURPS Horror is no exception. I have to review why I was listed as a reviewer – I got a comp copy – but I got a preview of this one, liked…


Advantaged, Raw 1d20, and GURPS 3d6 (roll high)

I posted a bit on the merits of the Advantaged/Disadvantaged die roll mechanic that drew some nice commentary on Google+. Part of that was wondering out loud what 3d6, the GURPS basic resolution mechanism, would look like under the type of charts (% success vs. target number) that I used to generate the results. Good…


Trained ST and Guns Skill

GURPS Technical Grappling introduced the concept of Trained ST, which is a skill-specific boost to ST provided by repetitive muscle coordination. The principle of the thing is that the more you practice something, the better you can coordinate your power to achieve greater equivalent power. This makes tons of sense for weapon use (something like…