
Skill Levels for Melee Combat in GURPS

GURPS Basic Set covers the question of how high your skill levels should be with the Choosing Your Skill Levels box, on p. B172. Some other resources (GURPS Tactical Shooting, Guns Skill Levels, p. 42) also throw down what the right skill levels are for various archetypes. But let’s, as Jeffr0 put it, tear down the…

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GURPS Campaigns: Common Pitfalls

My previous post about some past GURPS campaigns brought on a very interesting comment string from +Christopher Lorando. I made some comments, and he replied. The gist of it is worth repeating. And since Thursday is GURPS-day, here we go: My abridged list of common pitfalls: [Edit: Some of these, as Sean (Dr Kromm) points out,…