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Actual Play: GURPS DF Jade Regent – Ravenscraeg 7

GM: +Nathan Joy  Players: +Mark Langsdorf , +Theodore Briggs , +Kevin Smyth , +Emily Smirle  The Boss Fight The game starts out with fire shooting out of a well in the center of the room. We initially fear monsters or death . . . but it turns out to be the sword we’ve been looking for all this time, narrowly wedged down the…


Apropos of Nothing: Fortified Town!

Over at The Troll Dens, +Stephen Chenault links to this image of a fortified town. City of Carcassonne, photographed by air, south-west France. This fires up my imagination something fierce. He notes that this is what the dragon sees as he decides to get take-out. True, true. The thing that gets me is just how cool…

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Melee Academy: High skill vs. armor and shield

This post was spawned in the same discussion +Peter V. Dell’Orto references in his recent entry on the Shield Wall question. This isn’t more about Shield Wall, but more shields in general. After I started on this, I figured some of my fellow bloggers would like to try, so I contacted Peter, Mark, Jason, and the…