What good is a point in Karate in GURPS? Kromm speaks
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What good is a point in Karate in GURPS? Kromm speaks

I don’t usually just nab content from other places, but +Sean Punch has done all aspiring GURPS martial artists a great service and codified in detail the timeless question of “what good is it if I buy a point in Karate, when I can punch at DX and Karate actually lowers my hit chances!” As he says, the…

DnD5e 6th Level Beatdown – Tactics and Tables 1

DnD5e 6th Level Beatdown – Tactics and Tables 1

Here’s where I’ll talk about thoughts on the beatdown table. Thanks to a handy pointer, I see the right AC for challenge rating 6 is about AC 15, not 16 or 17. OK. So mote it be. I’m probably not picking the best tactics, weapons, spells, etc. But I’m going to try.  Barbarian Without his…

Thoughts from the WRX: Critical death

Thoughts from the WRX: Critical death

Another thought from the car. Driving home, I was thinking about the somewhat contrived situation where you have achieved total surprise on a high-level character – someone or something with lots of HP. You can certainly roleplay a coup de grace, or a sneak attack, and your GM can say “Yep, you know he dead.”…