Summary of Dungeon Grappling Reviews
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Summary of Dungeon Grappling Reviews

I got a new review of Dungeon Grappling, and this one was on RPGGeek: The Short Version? Dungeon Grappling finally makes grappling more like every other system in the game and it works. Review Review Things are looking good for Dungeon Grappling at the moment. With 21 hours to go in th e Kickstarter, were…

Dungeon Grappling: One Day More!
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Dungeon Grappling: One Day More!

One more day ’till Dungeon Grappling The Crowdfunding will be done It is time to have the monsters Chomp and grapple for their fun And the PCs will be mighty Monks, Barbarians mighty thews Diff’rent flavors of the systems Are provided; you can choose. So don’t think you pledge to early Or that something slipped…

Dungeon Grappling – Final 48 hours
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Dungeon Grappling – Final 48 hours

Last 48 Hours The Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter is in its final 48 hours through the weekend. We’ve done very well, passing the basic goal, funding an eBook that will come with any pledge that includes a PDF copy, and full color interior art (the $4,000 goal turned out to be $3,906 once the mix of…