Random initiative and a fixed GURPS turn

Random initiative and a fixed GURPS turn

+Christopher R. Rice laid down a post about using random initiative in GURPS that turned into both an interesting “GURPS 201” post (small house rules based only on the Basic Set) as well as a thought experiment. Some notes: GURPS combat is based on a fixed turn order. Mess with this at your peril, perhaps. GURPS combat…

Apropos of Nothing: Recovery from crippling injury

Apropos of Nothing: Recovery from crippling injury

So, it’s two weeks post-op. The procedure apparently went as well as it could go, I guess – information hasn’t been terribly forthcoming. They put in five surgical stainless screws (the phrase “living tissue over metal endoskeleton?” Yeah, it’s come up.) to affix the broken pieces of the calcaneus (heel bone) back together. Key questions…

Retreat, Better Defenses, and Evaluate
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Retreat, Better Defenses, and Evaluate

+Peter V. Dell’Orto has an interesting note today about the challenges of the Retreat defensive option when using mapless combat. It’s worth a read. I was intrigued by the option of just always giving people the benefit of increased defenses, the +1 for retreating for a parry/block, or the +3 for Dodge (or parry when using Karate, Judo,…