Sample DnD5e Characters – 6th Level Evocation Wizard

Sample DnD5e Characters – 6th Level Evocation Wizard

Well, well, well. We come to the end of the classes in the PHB, having arrived at the Wizard.  This one is going to be the most “yeah, but . . . ” of the classes, I think. The Wizard is all about the spell list, and having the largest list, and most susceptible to the GM…

Playing with DnD5 Characters – Sample 6th Level Warlock

Playing with DnD5 Characters – Sample 6th Level Warlock

A Warlock is a spellcasting class that derives its power from a pact with an otherworldly creature. Most of these builds scream “lawful evil at best” to me, but a few are possible without going full-on Belkar. I mean, seriously: the patron choices are a Fiend, freakin’ Cthulhu, and an Archfae.  Of the three, at…