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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad welcomes Steve Jackson

Last weekend, I interviewed +Steve Jackson! I tried to get this on out on GURPS-Day, but the editing ran me past midnight and spooling the video took two freakin’ hours. During an interview that was about 50 minutes long, we covered Ogre and the Kickstarter, Munchkin, his recently released 2013 Stakeholder’s Report, and of course…

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Forthcoming: Firing Squad welcomes . . . Steve Jackson

Last Sunday I intereviewed Steve Jackson (of Steve Jackson Games) on the Firing Squad. We spoke for about an hour (a bit less) about Ogre, a tiny bit of Car Wars, Munchkin, and GURPS. I’m in “post production” right now, editing the video. Transcription is in the works. I already have an audio file. I…

Dyvers taps Gaming Ballisitc over on ENWorld!

+Charles Akins gave Gaming Ballistic a nod as one of the “Ten RPG Blogs Everyone Should Be Reading.“ His entry for GB reads: 4. Gaming Ballistic by Douglas Cole Before I started reading Douglas Cole I avoided GURPS like the plague. I labored for years under false beliefs about the game and foolishly ignored a robust system that…