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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Interview with Kenneth Hite

This week,+Kenneth Hite generously accepted my invitation to sit down with me and chat about a limited part of his body of work. I’ll admit to no small amount of trepidation at the opportunity. Ken’s knowledge is so encyclopedic that I wanted to make sure that I’d done my homework – so I purchased some books…


Bestiary for GURPS Fourth Edition arrived in the mail today

Wait, what? But GURPS doesn’t have a formal bestiary! No it does not. But during my interview with Ken Hite a few days ago, I had cause to open and digest GURPS Horror for Fourth Edition. I owned Horror 2ed, which of course is for GURPS Third Edition. I’ve never been into horror gaming, I realized,…

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Feb 6 is Melee Acadmey: All systems welcome!

The topic for the Feb 6 Melee Academy is “fighting people better than you.” Got advice for Pathfinder? GUMSHOE? FATE? Have at it, just define all terms for those who might not be that familiar, and throw down how to go after bad guys who one on one can kick your butt. Bring friends? Attack…