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Combat Sumo Wrestling

Sumo Wrestling is the ugly red-headed stepchild of GURPS grappling skills. It really doesn’t get much love in character design from what I can tell. So, is that bad? Or is it appropriate to relegate Sumo to the dustbin of skills that should be eliminated, replaced, or otherwise shunned? Sumo! Huh! What is it good…


Counterpoint: GURPS Complexity, by MU

After all of the pro/con discussion – most of it remarkably civil, thanks – I stumbled upon a fun (if strongly tilting towards the negative) counterpoint that ups the ante on the topic of GURPS‘ relative complexity: How to GURPS and why it sucks anyway, by Mu. The “TLDR” section contains a lot of goodness…


GURPS has Complex Rules? I don’t think so.

Thursday is GURPS-Day, and I was going to make a post about attack and defense options on lulls and flurries again, but I’m going to return to that at a later date. There’s an interesting thread on the Forums which makes the bald statement that “GURPS seems to be engineered for people that enjoy really…