Falling Down – head kicking for fun and profit in GURPS
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Falling Down – head kicking for fun and profit in GURPS

Here was a bit cut out of the upcoming GURPS: Technical Grappling. There are several reasons. It’s a grappling book, not a striking book I was using Size Modifier as a direct proxy for height. That’s wrong. First See Rule #1. I also found this excised portion of the rules terribly complicated, and we ditched…


Delayed Gratification, ‘A Matter of Inches’, and Grand Unified Beat Theory

GURPS Martial Arts has a neat little (highly optional) box on minute differences between melee weapons when it comes to various combat activities, such as Stop Hits, Feints, and Fast-Draw contests. There was a question that showed up from Landwalker over on the SJG Forums about combining ‘A Matter of Inches’ (Martial Arts, p. 110)…