
Making Decisions Under Pressure 2

+Christian Blouin made an interesting comment on Google+ in response to my Shoot/No-Shoot post. He said: I was toying with the idea of asking players what would be their next action before resolving the current one. Cancelling their decision on the following turn would impose a “Do Nothing”. Maybe a tactics check could allow to avoid…


Shoot/no-shoot: checking fire under pressure

The recent post and discussion on dodging lasers in GURPS has led to further thoughts. One of the things that happens in real target shooting, and presumably it can happen in combat too, though it would be under considerably more stress, is a shooter knows he’s off target. His breathing is wrong, he feels a sneeze…

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Actual Play: GURPS Jade Regent – Ravenscraeg

Today’s game started out after we’d been attacked by some sort of acid ooze in the previous game. Naturally, we were immediately attacked by a giant wasp on a narrow set of switchbacked stairs. Cadmus, usually the shield and magic axe guy, decided to play with his dueling poleaxe (spear tip, hammerhead, axe blade) instead….