
Lesser Silliness on Dodging Lasers: The Rebuttal

+Hans-Christian Vortisch dropped me a note on another forum he and I share, which basically (my words, not his) said “um, you were lead playtester on Tactical Shooting, lasers aren’t that different from guns, and your long-winded post is why I wrote Tactical Dodging in the first place.” He’s right, and it’s a valuable addition to the conversation….

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The occasional silliness of Dodging lasers

I got to play GURPS at TL9 this past Saturday, with +Jeromy French , +kung fu hillbilly , +Alina Cole , +Carl Miller , and +Matt Sutton . We got into a battle with lasers and slugthrowers. There was an awful lot of successful dodging going on. Some of this just “the dice say what the dice say.” But after a bit, you could tell from…

Realistic, Believable, Cinematic: Orthogonal basis set of fun

Every now and then people talk. Usually on game forums. And they say things like: “Oh, yes. I like my flying dragons that eat starships and crap magical poop to be realistic.” My thoughts on that were similar to how Bill Stoddard replied when someone commented that an increase in Basic Speed granted by a magical…