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GURPS Alien Menace: Session 2

Tonight we rejoined Our Heroes in the ice caves on a far off world. +Tim Shorts couldn’t make it, so we quickly recruited +Jake Bernstein, who joined +Peter V. Dell’Orto, +Christopher R. Rice , and +Nathan Joy in the quest to kill the aliens and take their stuff. The Long Fight No play-by-play transcript as I usually do when I’m playing, because my…

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Alien Menace Game Prep

A quick post. I’ve been getting ready for the follow-on session to the incomplete Alien Menace starter this weekend. We had to cancel last time due to sickness, ComiCon, and general beat-down-ness. Some things I realized: It’s really handy to have pre-planned encounters. +Eric hil walked me through how to generate those, and there’s a specific order…

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Alien Menace Introductory Session

Saturday night put me in the GM’s chair for the first time in probably seven or eight years. I’ve been blogging for while on the prep. We had a full house. So how did it go? The Interface – Fantasy Grounds To start with, we can’t get past the issues with the interface and setup….