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Melee Academy: Fighting People Better Than You

I hope that Melee Academy attracted lots of posts today, and so I’ll list them first. Melee Academy: Dealing With Superior Foes (Dungeon Fantastic) Melee Academy: Outgunned, Outmanned, and Outmaneuvered – Now What? (Ravens ‘N Pennies) Next Academy: PCs against really bad odds. (Virtual Table Topping) Melee Academy: Hero System Style (RPG Snob) TL;DR Today’s Melee…

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d30 Sandbox Companion: Generically Awesome

+Erik Tenkar and +Tim Shorts have both rendered their opinions on the d30 Sandbox Companion. They loved it. (Erik’s review at Tenkar’s Tavern here) Now, I do play in Erik’s Swords and Wizardry campaign with +Peter V. Dell’Orto (whom I know well) and others (whom I’ve really only met once). But I wanted to take a different tack on this….

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GURPS Jade Regent – Tower of Doom 2

We picked up having . . . just opened up a door into a room full of crystals pulsing with dark light in some sort of indiscipherable pattern. Some of them are magical, others are just full of what we assume is evil black ooze that glows with a black light, as strange as that is….