
Melee Skill Levels: A surplus of Awesome

Inspired by a post from +Patrick Halter. OK, so you’ve got a highly competent character. Maybe it’s DF. Maybe it’s Monster Hunters. But with 250-400 points and a smackdown focus, you can bring the hurt with the best of them. Problem is, you’re new to GURPS. Your GM is sitting there looking at you with that…


Making Decisions Under Pressure 2

+Christian Blouin made an interesting comment on Google+ in response to my Shoot/No-Shoot post. He said: I was toying with the idea of asking players what would be their next action before resolving the current one. Cancelling their decision on the following turn would impose a “Do Nothing”. Maybe a tactics check could allow to avoid…

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GURPS Campaigns: Common Pitfalls

My previous post about some past GURPS campaigns brought on a very interesting comment string from +Christopher Lorando. I made some comments, and he replied. The gist of it is worth repeating. And since Thursday is GURPS-day, here we go: My abridged list of common pitfalls: [Edit: Some of these, as Sean (Dr Kromm) points out,…