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Melee Academy: Fighting People Better Than You

I hope that Melee Academy attracted lots of posts today, and so I’ll list them first. Melee Academy: Dealing With Superior Foes (Dungeon Fantastic) Melee Academy: Outgunned, Outmanned, and Outmaneuvered – Now What? (Ravens ‘N Pennies) Next Academy: PCs against really bad odds. (Virtual Table Topping) Melee Academy: Hero System Style (RPG Snob) TL;DR Today’s Melee…

Technical Grappling: New ST, Old ST, Control Points, Action Points

Before the thread was banished to its cage and put in the Cone of Shame, JCurwen3 asked a pretty good set of questions that I thought I’d answer here. Question: in your post RESCALING MELEE WEAPONS, you presented the house rule (which I use and enjoy) that rescaled ST-powered damage to be sensible vs firearm damage….


Technical Grappling: Trained ST and Striking

The concept of Trained ST features prominently in GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling. It’s one of the core rules concepts, and is designed to represent my personal observations that being a really, really good grappler can substitute somewhat for being really strong . . . but if you can be really good and really strong,…