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GURPS Campaigns: Past, Present, and Wishful Thinking

I was thinking for a moment about campaigns I have run in GURPS. Reaching way back to college to present day (or, really, a few years back, when last I actually ran anything): Dark Conspiracy – I hated hated hated the Dark Conspiracy game system. It just did not work for me. So my very…

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The occasional silliness of Dodging lasers

I got to play GURPS at TL9 this past Saturday, with +Jeromy French , +kung fu hillbilly , +Alina Cole , +Carl Miller , and +Matt Sutton . We got into a battle with lasers and slugthrowers. There was an awful lot of successful dodging going on. Some of this just “the dice say what the dice say.” But after a bit, you could tell from…

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Actual Play: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy – Jade Regent

Skipping over all varieties of introductions and back story. Brody, our resident sneak-a-holic, returns from a foray into infiltrating the local nest of scum and villainy, to report that the girlfriend of the leader of the local Rimerunner’s guild has become recently reclusive and purchased an old hall a few days outside Karlsgard, the town…