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Melee Academy Collection

I’m taking the really useful and fun stuff being written for Melee Academy, as well as other good posts that come my way, and collecting them under a separate page: Melee Academy. Watch this page for new stuff that helps get people’s arms wrapped around fightin’ in GURPS, and if you see something on another…

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Melee Academy – Team Tactics 101

Welcome to the third installment of Melee Academy! Today we’re going to deal with team tactics. While +Peter V. Dell’Orto is throwing down with a post on how to keep your berserker buddy alive to rage, maim, and kill with proper gusto, I thought I’d approach this from a back to basics type philosophy. That…

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Melee Academy: Combat Grappling and Wait

Welcome to the second installment of Melee Academy! Grappling seems pretty cool. The benefits for throwing someone to the ground are pretty impressive in GURPS. They have to spend a few turns getting up (unless then can Acrobatic Stand), while prone they’re at -4 on their hit rolls and -3 while defending. While kneeling, which…