Retreat, Better Defenses, and Evaluate
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Retreat, Better Defenses, and Evaluate

+Peter V. Dell’Orto has an interesting note today about the challenges of the Retreat defensive option when using mapless combat. It’s worth a read. I was intrigued by the option of just always giving people the benefit of increased defenses, the +1 for retreating for a parry/block, or the +3 for Dodge (or parry when using Karate, Judo,…

Apropos of Nothing: Supergirl S01E01 (Pilot)

Apropos of Nothing: Supergirl S01E01 (Pilot)

So, this was a show I’ve been anticipating for a while, now. I’m pretty much a fan of Super-anything, and my family shares the appreciation. My eldest is also a voracious reader (at almost-6) and has been devouring the New 52 “Last Daughter of Krypton” compilations ever since we started our tradition of encouraging reading…