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Heretical DnD5 – 6th level playtesting

Got in another playtest on the Heretical DnD project. What did I learn? I need to look a little bit at the grappling rules. There’s a tweak to be made that’s tiny and sensible. It won’t change much, but it’s a good add. There’s a neat use for a reaction on the Protection fighting style…

Hirelings have a shelf life
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Hirelings have a shelf life

I’m in full-on playtest and writing mode on the Heretical D&D project, which is why my schedule for Reloading Press and Sunday Review have both been disrupted. But . . . the ever-interesting +Peter V. Dell’Orto has been writing about hirelings. It occurs to me that the other side of the ‘treat the hirelings like dirt’ coin…

Heretical Playtest – Second Session
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Heretical Playtest – Second Session

Having delved and fought, the party withdrew, replaced a Ranger with a Fighter, and then re-entered the following day. This time, the rogue approached silently and well, and managed to get the drop on the two kobolds who had brought their mastiffs to guard the entrance after the demise of the guardian hobgoblins the previous…