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90 pieces of art, indexing, and Kickstarter

As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes clearer, it appears that to make the book I want to make, I’m going to need art. Lots of art. (“a Picasso or a Garfunkel!”) I’m far enough along in the writing process that while I can clearly see that I have a lot to…

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Heretical to-do list

So things got busy in April, and I have only made piecemeal progress on the Heretical DnD project.  The draft still stands at roughly 130,000 words, but there has been progress despite no more wordcount increases. I resolved some longstanding issues with the rules differentiating ranged and melee combat so that they were less differentiated…

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Playtesting – what do you look for?

I’ve playtested a lot of books for others. I read through, I do math, I occasionally use the rules (more now than in the past, because now I have a few game groups, and then I had none). This weekend, and soon in the future, my ever-expanding Heretical D&D project will get playtested. Sure, I’ve…