Ceteri Campaign – S1E2: Alarums and Excursions
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Ceteri Campaign – S1E2: Alarums and Excursions

What happened before Last time, we got ganked at a barbeque. We survived and won, and walked away with a gigantic arsenal. Full-auto converted AR15 rifles, 2kg of heroin, modern body armor. We fled the scene with the evidence, and found that Myriam may have been killed in a simultaneous attack on the house, which…

GURPSDay Summary Sep 15 – Sep 21, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Sep 15 – Sep 21, 2017

Thursday is GURPSDay and September nearly past. We saw the release of another Pyramid (Monster Hunters III, Pyr 3/107), the Dungeon Fantasy RPG is arriving at folks’ homes if they’re in the USA, with pictures, gushing, and reviews proliferating. Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the pull for this week. We’re currently drawing…

Suppression Fire Commentary
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Suppression Fire Commentary

As sometimes happens, a comment is too good to pass up and reply to in the comments section. Kallatari, who I believe knows of what he speaks, wrote in. His comments are in quote-blocks, and my responses or notes follow. First, just wanted to say that what you’ve described is pretty much exactly how I’ve…