Reblog: After the End 2 player-facing skill sheet (from No School Grognard)

Reblog: After the End 2 player-facing skill sheet (from No School Grognard)

+Mark Langsdorf did a lot of work, and it turned out really well.  He made a player-facing skills list based on the worked-example publication GURPS After the End 2. It takes all the uses of attributes, skills, and advantages from the book and consolidates them by skill. So you get something like  Traps Trap a meal…

GURPSDay – Broad and narrow perspective
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GURPSDay – Broad and narrow perspective

Thursday is GURPSDay, a tradition I started in early February of 2013, shortly after I started Gaming Ballistic. I always did better writing to a schedule, and having a GURPS-themed post always go up on release day was fun. Earlier this year, my little tradition got noticed by +Phil Reed, and he was sufficiently enthusiastic that…