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Pruning the Fat: Cadmus the Warrior Saint revisited

In many ways, Cadmus, my Warrior Saint in +Nathan Joy‘s Dungeon Fantasy game has been an experiment. He was my first DF character, well, ever. He used new rules – Divine Favor – rather than the standard magic system. I also solicited and accepted a lot of steering on how I put him together. Now that…

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Ravenscraeg Finale (in brief)

Last Tuesday we had the final battle with the rejuvenated Oni, whom we fondly called “Kim.” It turned out to be fairly anticlimactic. We twigged early to the massive rune-laden club with the Thousand Words of Pain on it to being the real issue (and especially after several solid hits came to no good result…


Making grapples suck less in armed combat

Last post of Melee Academy was on getting into CC range with a grapple in one turn. +Mark Langsdorf picked up on this and showed a higher-percentage option to get into CC that takes two turns, and by his own notes, is really good at negating the hated Defense Bonus of a shield. Martin Leuschen made a…