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Melee Academy: Reach basics

Welcome to the August installment of Melee Academy, which as always is a fine way to celebrate the fact that Thursday is GURPS-Day. Today’s topic was inspired by a pretty long forum thread on using reach weapons, and the impact of the Wait maneuver providing what seemed to be a sure-fire way of closing to…

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Actual Play: DF Jade Regent: Here there be dragons

After a very long absence, we returned to discuss . . . dragons. +Nathan Joy, the GM, says: “So, you have mariskos to the East, blocking the Path of Aganhei, weird things to the North that may have been heavily forshadowed in the windy pit o’ mean shaman, and a dragon that has recently been…

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Actual Play: GUMSHOE/Trail of Cthulhu

Robert Lee Hampton started out in World War 1, May 27 1918, at an infamous hospital in France. We heard rumors of an unanticipated German offensive, which smashed through a few French divisions. On the 28th of May, my character, Doctor Robert Lee Hampton, heard that some American and British divisions tried to offer some…