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Actual Play: DF Jade Regent – The Pit of Frozen Guys

GM: +Nathan Joy Players: +Mark Langsdorf , +Theodore Briggs , +Emily Smirle , and me. After we found the cleft in the wall from last game, we decided that we needed to just walk into trouble. So we followed the pathway up, whereupon Cadmus, still under the influence of being Pharasmically drunk or something, bumps into a wall, revealing a secret passage….

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Pyramid #3/57 – Modern Warfighter: Gear

This is an article-by-article review of Pyramid #3/57: Gunplay. While I don’t usually do this, the subject matter of this issue is just what this blog ordered, and even if one of my own articles is in it, I really think every article, and nearly every word, of this issue is worth reading. So, a…

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Melee Academy: Muscle-Powered Ranged Weaponry 101

Though the title is Melee Academy, being able to do harm at a distance is important in many genres. However, up until the invention of the windlass, cranequin, gunpowder, and fast-discharge supercapacitor, what you’re really doing is finding ways of translating your strength into injury. Also on Melee Academy, Ranged Edition: Peter Dell’Orto talks about…