
Parrying Unarmed Attacks – a quick noodle

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at the SJG Forums about parrying unarmed attacks with weapons. It’s interesting for a bunch of reasons. GURPS Martial Arts has a bit to say on this subject, mostly in the text box appropriately titled Harsh Realism for Unarmed Fighters. GURPS Basic Set throws down on p. B376 and…


Pathfinder readthough – Chapter 9: Magic

A retroactive (and oft-repeated) introduction: After an actual-play hiatus where I was mostly writing and playtesting for GURPS. I was invited to play in a Pathfinder game, and after a few sessions, it was time to buy the book and learn the rules! I decided to try and read the Pathfinder rules cover-to-cover and see…

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Apropos of Nothing: Independence Day (movie) and RPG Inspiration

I led the post from yesterday with a quote from the movie Independence Day. That naturally got me thinking about the movie, which I really think is one of the better popcorn movies out there. It’s a classic example of the explosions and victory school of film-making. There are of course so many plot holes…