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Melee Academy: Combat Grappling and Wait

Welcome to the second installment of Melee Academy! Grappling seems pretty cool. The benefits for throwing someone to the ground are pretty impressive in GURPS. They have to spend a few turns getting up (unless then can Acrobatic Stand), while prone they’re at -4 on their hit rolls and -3 while defending. While kneeling, which…

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Low Tech: Choosing the right armor by cost

GURPS Low Tech is a pretty darn good book. There’s a lot of value there, and even more so in the three companions. There are a few books out, such as Instant Armor, and the forthcoming Low Tech Armor Loadouts, that help whittle down the very large job of choosing armor kit. It took me…

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Actual Play: GURPS DF Jade Regent – Ravenscraeg 8

When last we left our heroes, we’d just had the screens fall to reveal a staggering number of new foes in the middle of this final combat of the adventure. Dawn was stunned for a single second, we were looking at ten or so angry zombies, and a runecaster and some other BMF (an Oni)…