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To be a Pirate King!

So, Pyramid has an upcoming issue on Swashbucklers and Pirates. I’m playing in a Pathfinder Skull and Shackles campaign GMed by +Jeromy French. This puts me in a piratical mood, and I was thinking this morning about what would happen if the typical DnD or Dungeon Fantasy world were to take to the open seas. This…

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Skill Levels for Melee Combat in GURPS: Gladiatorial Smackdown

So, I wrote this Big Long Post on melee skill levels in GURPS. It got a lot of favorable attention. Then, on Saturday night, March 2, I joined +Vaclav Tofl and +Michael Keenan in a Gladiatorial smackdown. We each played 75 point characters, and since there were two PCs and five pre-gens, Michael and I were on the same team….