
Skill Levels for Ranged Combat in GURPS

By special request! The post on melee skill levels in GURPS broke my previous record for number of views in a day, so I guess people liked it. Enough so that the “but where’s the ranged stuff?” came as a special request, and a natural follow-on, to boot. Preamble Ranged weapons are difficult in GURPS. Oh,…


Pyramid #3/52: Low-Tech II is out!

The latest issue of Pyramid, #3/52: Low-Tech II, is out. I’ve got an article in it! Called Delayed Gratification, it’s an option for a different way of handling the Feint maneuver in GURPS, treating it as a variant of an actual attack, rather than a Quick Contest of somewhat-nebulous intention. It’s not a long article,…


Penetration, Blow-through, and overly granular damage

My post on what guns do in GURPS and storytelling got me thinking about false precision in games that rate damage by HP ablation. I’ll pick on GURPS, but DnD/Pathfinder is, in its way, not much different. Ironically, I don’t think people really notice as much in Pathfinder, since the entire point of an attack…