More Perilous Journeys is now LIVE!
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More Perilous Journeys is now LIVE!

The More Perilous Journeys campaign, producing five new old-school adventures for TFT, is now live!    What is The Fantasy Trip? The Fantasy Trip is an “old school” RPG created by Steve Jackson. Its first element was released in 1977: the combat game Melee (available FREE from Steve Jackson Games!). That was followed by the magic game Wizard and a…

More Perilous Journeys – Revised Pledges and more!
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More Perilous Journeys – Revised Pledges and more!

I got a lot of great feedback on the More Perilous Journeys campaign page, and as a result, I’ve made substantial revisions to the campaign page. The campaign was originally kept very simple. Print+PDF or PDF; all the new stuff, or all the new stuff AND the old stuff. Simple, yes. But folks want what…

The Diary of Rollo Sigurdson (Nordlond Campaign)
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The Diary of Rollo Sigurdson (Nordlond Campaign)

March 19th I am setting out to make my way in the world apart from my father, who is warring against the Neveri Nomads in the south. It’s been a long journey up from the coast but I believe I’m on  my last ship for awhile. I’ve booked passage on a ship headed north, to…