Inspired by OSR Grappling in The Manor
I’d fogotten about this, but it looks like +Peter V. Dell’Orto and my rules were incorporated into the Guardians superhero RPG system! Read more at Original Edition. Another victory for Control Points!
Got a note from my buddy +Nathan Joy today extolling the virtues of GURPS Action 4. We exchanged commentary on how every time you think about improving or simplifying GURPS for various high-octane genres, you’d better check the Action series first, because there’s probably something that partially or even completely fits what you want already written for…
There are a couple hot threads over on the SJG forums right now about where to take GURPS in order to expand the revenue base, which would turn into more product, higher quality product, and the kind of exponential growth (though that too would saturate eventually) that you need for a bit to have an…