Ceteri Campaign S1E9: Pulling Strings
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Ceteri Campaign S1E9: Pulling Strings

Dramatis Personae Kamali Blackshear (18): Kamali is a young man in his late teens. He is healthy and is of mixed ethnicity of Caucasian South African and native South African. He is a determined youth who believes in a justice of his own, likening himself to the knight of the round table whom he has read…

GURPSDay Summary Nov 17 – Nov 26, 2017
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GURPSDay Summary Nov 17 – Nov 26, 2017

So: GURPSDay! This week overlaps big news in GURPSdom, which is that SJG has decided to release GURPS PDFs by DriveThruRPG, which includes a ton of associated digital publishers. I’ve had customer numbers for my own Dungeon Grappling which indicate that there are over 1.4 million folks who have come through those doors; Robert Conley…

Lost Hall of Tyr: Proof inspection results in a critical hit.

After returning home from the wildlands of Boston, I immediately tore into my packages and inspected the proof copy of Lost Hall of Tyr. Well. Well, well, well. This is, dare I say it, a damn fine looking book. The Schedule Still Holds So: the official countdown clock continues. On December 4, 2017 I will…