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Why the five games chosen for Violent Resolution?

Over on the GURPS Forums, someone wondered why I’d chosen the games I chose. Why those in particular? Well . . . If you’re doing gaming you HAVE to do D&D. Whether it’s D&D5 or Pathfinder is your call, but that was the first big popular system and more or less remains so. D&D is…

Achievement Unlocked! 600 posts

Achievement Unlocked! 600 posts

The final column of Violent Resolution marked the 600th post on Gaming Ballistic. So, what’s been accomplished here, if anything? Unique Content There have been some particularly strong sections on GB, even if I do say so. The Firing Squad – these interviews, 20 in number thus far, are something that are somewhat unique. There…

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Violent Resolution – The End of the Revolution

This marks the end of the Violent Resolution blog series here on Castalia House. I’d like to thank Jeffro for recommending me, and Castalia House for giving me a shot at publishing this series on the different facets of combat mechanics in my chosen systems. What did I take away from it all? Narrative Games…