Violent Resolution – Hit Him with my Mace
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Violent Resolution – Hit Him with my Mace

If one is to discuss combat in RPGs, one might as well start with the medieval fantasy genre that still dominates the industry. For many games, hand-to-hand (or hand-to-tentacle, hand-to-claw, hand-to-mouth . . . ) combat is a central point of the game, hearkening back to the origin of fantasy RPGs in wargaming. This Violent…

Rules for Grappling Rules
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Rules for Grappling Rules

Well, +Peter V. Dell’Orto and I went and did it – we took GURPS Technical Grappling and made it into an OSR-compatible short rules set Having now done this twice, what is it with me and grappling rules, and what principles are involved? Coming to Grips Grappling is probably one of the oldest forms of combat on…

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Violent Resolution Commentary (David Pulver)

I got a nice response to Never Tell Me the Odds, Part 2 from +David Pulver and I thought it was worth responding in a fashion not buried in the comments! Davids words will be in magenta/Arial, my replies in regular text. Nice overview of the two game systems! Thanks. I’m trying to keep it factual and…