Old School Grappling in Gothridge Manor #8
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Old School Grappling in Gothridge Manor #8

When I wrote Technical Grappling for GURPS, I had a basic design philosophy: use the same concepts as a striking roll – attack, defense, damage – to inflict a variable amount of effect on your foe. In this case, the effect is control and restraint, rather than injury. +Peter V. Dell’Orto liked the concept enough to…

Violent Resolution – Mechanical Advantage
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Violent Resolution – Mechanical Advantage

In the previous segment, Never Tell Me the Odds 1 and Never Tell Me the Odds 2, the basic combat mechanics for five RPG systems were examined with the idea that if you don’t know the rough probabilities of doing what you want, you can’t really evaluate what you can do. Using the power of…

Apropos of Nothing: Minneapolis Comic Con 2015 – Sunday

Apropos of Nothing: Minneapolis Comic Con 2015 – Sunday

We were only there for maybe two hours, if that, today. We’d had a long, good day yesterday and between cranky 10-month-olds and ConFatigue, our endurance wasn’t what it could have been. Still: overall impressions. The Con is a fun place to go Cosplay, but there have to be less expensive venues for it. That…